4-28-1995 Rulon Knell submitted Benjamin Canfield AFN 2RR6-SO as father of James Canfield, father of David Canfield. Mother, and wife of Benjamin, is Miriam or Marion BARTON.
Father of Benjamin is Joel Canfield AFN: CZ7Z-R7 and Esther MOSS AFN:45ZJ-7V
Lola L. Sorensen [SLC] has also submitted Benjamin Canfield.
1-19-1996 Downloaded Canfield information from Preston Hunt records. Started compilation book.
1-26-1996 Preston's Obidiah is too young - not feasible as James' father.
1-26-1996 AF 4.14 shows James father as Benjamin t0 Joel and Esther Moss
1-26-1996 AF 4.14 does not link Benjamin to Joel
1-26-1996 IGI Ester Moss and Joel info added to my PAF
1-26-1996 Corn[?] Bulleten Canfield: Abi 1734, NY p 19, Amelia 1874, Mat 1673, Phoebe 1730, Thos 1689.
1997 Census of Connecticut, and New York
6-28-2010 Michigan 1850 Census
........1840 Gorham, New York Census - line by line - NIL
........1840 US Census - Susannah Canfield - US search - NIL
........1850 DeWitt, Clinton, Michigan - line by line - NIL
........Ingam Cemeteries: NIL
........(cemeteries included online were:)
Alchim, Bell Oaks, Bunker HIll, Cabot, Dennis, Derby, Dubois, East Leon, Edon, Evergreen, Fairview, Felt Plains, Fitchbury, Foote, Foote, Fowler, Glendale, Greenwood,
Greenwood: Edna R. Canfield 1898-1923 & Kathy Ann Canfield Jun 13 1955
Hawley, Holt, Howard, Ing County, Lane, Leck, Mape Grove, Maple Ridge, Markham, North Cemetery, N. Aurelius, N. Stockbridge, Oaklawn, Onondaga, Pioneer, Plains, Riverside, Rolfe, Rowley, St. Goeseph, St. Katherine, St. Cornelius, Shaftsburg, Spaulding, Strickland, Summit, Webberville, Woodlawn
........Find a Grave online: NIL
........1790 New York Census - listed in another listing [1790 NY Canfields]